Segment information

Please note the following:

  1. This site may not be immediately rectified as correction of earnings data and others.
  2. Historical per share data were not adjusted to stock splits.
  3. We may only alter some of our financial indicators in our earnings announcements at the end of the fiscal year.

InfraTech Business

(Millions of JPY) 2019/4 2020/4
Sales 4Q 15,967
3Q 11,696
2Q 7,820
1Q 3,868
Segment profit
or loss
4Q 816
3Q 531
2Q 434
1Q 242

Real-EstateTech Business

(Millions of JPY) 2019/4 2020/4
Sales 4Q 10,904
3Q 7,078
2Q 4,318
1Q 1,971
Segment profit
or loss
4Q 1,144
3Q 514
2Q 185
1Q 12

AdTech Business

(Millions of JPY) 2019/4 2020/4
Sales 4Q 16,223
3Q 12,138
2Q 8,230
1Q 4,096
Segment profit
or loss
4Q 1,040
3Q 787
2Q 546
1Q 252

HealthTech Business

(Millions of JPY) 2019/4 2020/4
Sales 4Q 2,993
3Q 2,179
2Q 1,401
1Q 634
Segment profit
or loss
4Q ▲303
3Q ▲238
2Q ▲167
1Q ▲112

EdTech Business

(Millions of JPY) 2019/4 2020/4
Sales 4Q 4,776
3Q 1,425
2Q 0
1Q 0
Segment profit
or loss
4Q 246
3Q 15
2Q 0
1Q 0

