Corporate Governance

Basic Concept of Corporate Governance

 The FreeBit Group aims to be an attractive value creation company supported by the pillars of advanced technical strength and service development capabilities. We consider both the establishment of a highly-transparent management system that can promptly respond to environmental changes as well as the pursuit of compliance management essential for the maximization of our corporate value and fulfillment of our corporate social responsibilities, and are actively working on enhancing our corporate governance system as our most critical management task.

Current Corporate Governance Structure

 Our current corporate governance structure is displayed in the chart below.

Implementation Status of Measures Concerning Shareholders and Other Stakeholders

Efforts to revitalize the general meeting of shareholders and encourage the smooth exercise of voting rights We post notice of convocation of the general meeting of shareholders on our website.
The notice of convocation is published before it is delivered.
IR activities Our disclosure policy is posted on the following URL of our website
In principle, our representative will provide an explanation and commentary, either face-to-face or via streaming video, etc., when the quarterly financial results are published.
The financial results briefing video for each quarter is posted on the following URL of our website along with our financial results, timely disclosure information, other PR information, etc.
We have established a department and dedicated staff responsible for IR activities.
Efforts to respect the position of stakeholders 【Environmental Conservation Activities and CSR Activities】
The content of our environmental conservation activities and our CSR activities is posted on the following URL of our website

We recognize that building a good relationship with our shareholders and other stakeholders is essential to our survival as a company. We are utilizing various media including this website to report on our management activities and explain our policies, etc. to build such relationships.

Implementation of Measures for Shareholders and Other Stakeholders

1. Measures to Vitalize the General Shareholder Meetings and Smooth Exercise of Voting Rights

Early Notification of General Shareholder Meeting The Company makes efforts to announce the Notice of Convocation as soon as possible. To ensure a sufficient period for shareholders to consider the resolutions, Notice of Convocation is published (disclosure on Tokyo Stock Exchange and on the Company's website) before being sent out.
Scheduling General Shareholder Meeting Avoiding the Peak Day The 24th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders was held on July 25. The fiscal year ending in April, the Company has been making efforts to avoid the peak day in scheduling the meeting.
Allowing Electronic Exercise of Voting Rights To enable more shareholders to exercise their voting rights, the Company accepts voting using the Internet.
Participation in Electronic Voting Platform and Other Efforts to Improve the Voting Environment for Institutional Investors The Company participates in an electronic voting platform, to allow institutional investors ample time to consider the resolutions.
Providing Convocation Notice (Summary) in English Convocation notice (English) posted on its website.
Other The Company provides live streaming of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders via the Internet for shareholders who are unable to attend the meetings to view from their homes. In addition, a website summarizing the Notice of Convocation is also available for viewing on smartphones, tablets, and PCs.

2. IR Activities

Preparation and Publication of Disclosure Policy The Company's Disclosure Policy is published on the Company's website, at the following URL:
Regular Investor Briefings for Analysts and Institutional Investors As a general rule, briefings are held in person or via streaming by the CEO, or other excutives following the quarterly financial results.
Posting of IR Materials on Website Financial Results, timely disclosures, IR materials etc, along with quarterly financial briefings video can all be found on the Company's website, at the following URL:
Establishment of Department (Manager) in Charge of IR A person in charge of IR has been appointed by the Corporate Planning Headquarters.

3. Measures to Ensure Due Respect for Stakeholders

Implementation of Environmental Preservation Activities, CSR Activities etc. The details of our efforts are disclosed on our website, at the following URL:
Other As we recognize that building good relationships with shareholders and other stakeholders is essential to the survival of the company, we actively report our management activities, policies etc. through our website and other forms of media.